Thursday, November 09, 2006

Checklist-Neopets TCG: Promotional Cards

  1. Red Kacheek
  2. Green Shoyru
  3. Blue Grarrl
  4. Red Wocky
  5. Yellow Lupe

Checklist-Neopets TCG: Haunted Woods

H=Holographic, R=Rare, U=Uncommon, C=Common
  1. Aisha Morphing Potion (H)
  2. Alien Aisha (H)
  3. Archos (H)
  4. Baby Cybunny (H)
  5. Bruno (H)
  6. The Founder (H)
  7. Fruity Star Juice (H)
  8. Ghost Meepit (H)
  9. Ghost Spyder (H)
  10. Golden Scratching Post (H)
  11. Halloween (H)
  12. Ilere of the Woods (H)
  13. Illusen's Quest (H)
  14. Pocket Lab Ray (H)
  15. Royal Tonu (H)
  16. Sasha the Dancer (H)
  17. Sentient Stones (H)
  18. Sophie (H)
  19. The Taint (H)
  20. The Wand of Wishing (H)
  21. Anubits (R)
  22. Attack Broom (R)
  23. Boo! (R)
  24. Curing the Plague (R)
  25. Dance of the Meepits (R)
  26. Evil Trees (R)
  27. Lenny Curator (R)
  28. Mr. Krawley (R)
  29. Rolling Pin (R)
  30. Rusty Sloth Clone #11 (R)
  31. Shadow Korbat (R)
  32. Spotted Tonu (R)
  33. Squeezy Spyder (R)
  34. Touch of Van Roo (R)
  35. Transformation (R)
  36. Trick or Treat (R)
  37. Werhond (R)
  38. Xantan (R)
  39. Zombie Aisha (R)
  40. Zomutt (R)
  41. Brown Aisha (U)
  42. Pink Cybunny (U)
  43. A Tale of Woe (U)
  44. Acara Hiker (U)
  45. Acara Nurse (U)
  46. Air Mote (U)
  47. Baby Korbat (U)
  48. Bony Grasp (U)
  49. Coconut Shy (U)
  50. Creeping Shadows (U)
  51. Followers of Meow (U)
  52. Ghost Lenny (U)
  53. Green Warf (U)
  54. Grilled Ummagine (U)
  55. Gypsy Camp (U)
  56. Hall of Heroes (U)
  57. The Haunted Woods (U)
  58. Island Cybunny (U)
  59. Krawk Island (U)
  60. Mashed Eye Potato (U)
  61. Mound of Grulb (U)
  62. Mutant Flowper (U)
  63. Mutant Hasee (U)
  64. Neovia (U)
  65. Nova Fruit (U)
  66. Reginald (U)
  67. Sanity Check (U)
  68. Spooky Doughnut (U)
  69. Spotted Slorg (U)
  70. Ugly Bruno (U)
  71. Blue Korbat (C)
  72. Brown Cybunny (C)
  73. Green Lenny (C)
  74. Orange Acara (C)
  75. Orange Korbat (C)
  76. Red Lenny (C)
  77. Red Tonu (C)
  78. White Acara (C)
  79. White Aisha (C)
  80. Yellow Tonu (C)
  81. Attack of the Slorgs (C)
  82. Blue Babaa (C)
  83. Broken Crackers (C)
  84. Cybunny Plushie (C)
  85. Failed Experiment (C)
  86. Familiar (C)
  87. Green Meowclops (C)
  88. Hide-and-Seek (C)
  89. Hissi Oil (C)
  90. It Came From Kreludor (C)
  91. Light Faerie Doll (C)
  92. Noil Gem (C)
  93. Paint Devil Sandwich (C)
  94. Scary Abandoned Plushie (C)
  95. Slymook (C)
  96. Test Your Strength (C)
  97. Tooth of Goregas (C)
  98. Water Faerie Doll (C)
  99. Witch's Hat (C)
  100. Yellow Snorkle (C)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Checklist-Neopets TCG: Travels in Neopia

H=Holographic, R=Rare, U=Uncommon, C=Common
  1. Bag of Neopoints (H)
  2. Caylis (H)
  3. Cloud Shoyru (H)
  4. Darigan Paint Brush (H)
  5. Dr. Sloth (H)
  6. Eithne (H)
  7. Faerie Poogle (H)
  8. Faerie Slorg (H)
  9. Faerieland (H)
  10. Fyora's Wand (H)
  11. Hannah the Cursed (H)
  12. Hubrid Nox (H)
  13. Illusen's Staff (H)
  14. Island Angelpuss (H)
  15. Island Paint Brush (H)
  16. Jhudora (H)
  17. Lost Desert Paint Brush (H)
  18. Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (H)
  19. Maraquan Paint Brush (H)
  20. Maraquan Scorchio (H)
  21. Meepit (H)
  22. Nereid the Water Faerie (H)
  23. Nuria (H)
  24. Ona (H)
  25. Princess Amira (H)
  26. Rainbow Paint Brush (H)
  27. Sakhmet City (H)
  28. Snow Bruce (H)
  29. Snow Paint Brush (H)
  30. Snowickle (H)
  31. Sophie the Swamp Witch (H)
  32. Space Faerie (H)
  33. Starry Cybunny (H)
  34. Starry Paint Brush (H)
  35. Taelia the Snow Faerie (H)
  36. Tura-Kepek (H)
  37. White Hasee (H)
  38. Ylana Skyfire (H)
  39. Zafara Princess (H)
  40. Zed Codestone (H)
  41. Galactic Green Grundo (R)
  42. Green Draik (R)
  43. Green Kacheek (R)
  44. Red Bori (R)
  45. Red Krawk (R)
  46. Red Lupe (R)
  47. Yellow Kyrii (R)
  48. Yellow Meerca (R)
  49. Yellow Ruki (R)
  50. Acara Treasure Seeker (R)
  51. Aisha Shopkeeper (R)
  52. Banishment (R)
  53. Battle JubJub (R)
  54. Blue Sticky Hand (R)
  55. Dark Faerie Sisters (R)
  56. Eliv Thade (R)
  57. Faerie Dust (R)
  58. Ghost Korbat (R)
  59. Ghost Snowbunny (R)
  60. Illusen's Ring (R)
  61. Invisible Doglefox (R)
  62. Invisible Mynci (R)
  63. Ixi Courtier (R)
  64. Jeran Plushie (R)
  65. Jerdana (R)
  66. Jerdana's Orb (R)
  67. Jhudora's Storm (R)
  68. Kacheek Thief (R)
  69. Kreludor (R)
  70. Lucky Coin (R)
  71. Magic Lottery Ticket (R)
  72. Masila (R)
  73. New Maraqua (R)
  74. Noil (R)
  75. Sloth's Master Plan (R)
  76. Soup Faerie (R)
  77. Space Faerie Circlet (R)
  78. Tiki Bomb (R)
  79. Vanishing City (R)
  80. Xarthab (R)
  81. Blue Cybunny (U)
  82. Blue Nimmo (U)
  83. Blue Skeith (U)
  84. Blue Tonu (U)
  85. Brown Eyrie (U)
  86. Brown Grarrl (U)
  87. Green Gelert (U)
  88. Green Poogle (U)
  89. Green Scorchio (U)
  90. Orange Mynci (U)
  91. Purple Shoyru (U)
  92. Red Kau (U)
  93. Red Koi (U)
  94. Red Uni (U)
  95. Yellow Bruce (U)
  96. Yellow Lenny (U)
  97. Yellow Pteri (U)
  98. Alpine Challenger (U)
  99. Apprentice Wand (U)
  100. Avalanche (U)
  101. Benny the Blade (U)
  102. Blue Paint Brush (U)
  103. Blumaroo Squire (U)
  104. Chomby Plushie (U)
  105. Darigan Uni (U)
  106. Earth Faerie Leaves (U)
  107. Everlasting Apple (U)
  108. Faerie Pancakes (U)
  109. Gelert Beast Hunter (U)
  110. Glowing Babaa (U)
  111. Green Paint Brush (U)
  112. Grey Faerie (U)
  113. Hannah the Usul (U)
  114. Illusen's Glade (U)
  115. Island Flotsam (U)
  116. Kacheek Plushie (U)
  117. Kougra Scientist (U)
  118. Lower Ice Caves (U)
  119. Lupe Defender (U)
  120. Lutari Builder (U)
  121. Meerca Catapult (U)
  122. Moehog Chef (U)
  123. Mootix (U)
  124. Niptor (U)
  125. Pawkeet (U)
  126. Quiggle Scout (U)
  127. Red Paint Brush (U)
  128. Scurvy Island (U)
  129. Shadow Hissi (U)
  130. Shoyru Plushie (U)
  131. Slorg (U)
  132. Snowball Cannon (U)
  133. Snowball Flurry (U)
  134. Starry Negg (U)
  135. Trading Post (U)
  136. Turmac (U)
  137. Warf Rescue Team (U)
  138. White Primella (U)
  139. Wishing Well (U)
  140. Yellow Paint Brush (U)
  141. Blue Aisha (C)
  142. Blue Blumaroo (C)
  143. Blue Kougra (C)
  144. Blue Moehog (C)
  145. Blue Peophin (C)
  146. Blue Wocky (C)
  147. Blue Yurble (C)
  148. Green Kiko (C)
  149. Green Lutari (C)
  150. Green Quiggle (C)
  151. Green Usul (C)
  152. Red Elephante (C)
  153. Red Flotsam (C)
  154. Red Ixi (C)
  155. Red Jetsam (C)
  156. Red Tuskaninny (C)
  157. Red Zafara (C)
  158. Yellow Acara (C)
  159. Yellow Buzz (C)
  160. Yellow Chomby (C)
  161. Yellow Hissi (C)
  162. Yellow JubJub (C)
  163. Yellow Korbat (C)
  164. Yellow Techo (C)
  165. Abominable Snowball (C)
  166. Anubis (C)
  167. Asparagus (C)
  168. Babaa (C)
  169. Baby Blu (C)
  170. Battle Stations (C)
  171. Bubble Gun (C)
  172. Capture the Snowbunnies (C)
  173. Cheesy Pineapple Sticks (C)
  174. Coral Bracelet (C)
  175. Desert Scimitar (C)
  176. Fyora's Blessing (C)
  177. Gadgadsbogen (C)
  178. Geb (C)
  179. Happy Negg (C)
  180. Harris (C)
  181. Illusen's Charm (C)
  182. Island Lei (C)
  183. Lab Ray (C)
  184. Maractite Shield (C)
  185. Mazzew (C)
  186. Money Tree Ghosts (C)
  187. Paint Devil Attacks (C)
  188. Petpetnip (C)
  189. Planet Pops (C)
  190. Polarchuck (C)
  191. Rocket Boots (C)
  192. Sceptre of Banishing (C)
  193. Something Will Happen (C)
  194. Spike Trap (C)
  195. Spotted Meowclops (C)
  196. Starberry (C)
  197. Strawberry Brucicle (C)
  198. Tribal Blowgun (C)
  199. Wand of Ice (C)
  200. Warf (C)

Checklist-Neopets TCG: The Darkest Faerie

H=Holographic, R=Rare, U=Uncommon, C=Common
  1. Baby Buzz (H)
  2. Cloud Paint Brush (H)
  3. The Dancer (H)
  4. Darkest Faerie Doll (H)
  5. The Darkest Faerie (H)
  6. Darkest Knight (H)
  7. Draik Blacksmith (H)
  8. Endless Staircase (H)
  9. Faerie Kacheek (H)
  10. Faerie Paint Brush (H)
  11. The First to Rise (H)
  12. Fyora's Rod (H)
  13. The Gatherer (H)
  14. Ghost Koi (H)
  15. Ghostkerchief (H)
  16. The Hunter (H)
  17. Ixi Hunter (H)
  18. Jerdana, Imprisoned (H)
  19. King Altador (H)
  20. Malice (H)
  21. Plushie Blumaroo (H)
  22. The Protector (H)
  23. Roberta of Brightvale (H)
  24. Sorcerer's Wand (H)
  25. Spite (H)
  26. Tainted Meridell (H)
  27. The Thief (H)
  28. Twelve-Leaf Clover (H)
  29. Vanity (H)
  30. Wand of the Swamp Witch (H)
  31. Altador (R)
  32. Altadorian Crest (R)
  33. Altadorian Plate (R)
  34. Altadorian Sword (R)
  35. Angry Tax Beast (R)
  36. Annihilation (R)
  37. Bandit Knife (R)
  38. Bogshot Village (R)
  39. Bori Mage (R)
  40. Bruce Farmer (R)
  41. The Collector (R)
  42. Divine Intervention (R)
  43. Eyrie Defender (R)
  44. Faerie Asparagus (R)
  45. The Farmer (R)
  46. Fire Faerie Doll (R)
  47. Fire Noil (R)
  48. Florin (R)
  49. Juppie Plant Beast (R)
  50. Nimmo Traveller (R)
  51. Red Kadoatie (R)
  52. Retreat! (R)
  53. Skeith Bandit (R)
  54. The Sleeper (R)
  55. Tainted Altador (R)
  56. Tor (R)
  57. Treasure Map (R)
  58. Treasurer Gordos (R)
  59. Volcano Cake (R)
  60. Wocky Sewer Cleaner (R)
  61. Blue Nimmo (U)
  62. Brown Eyrie (U)
  63. Green Bori (U)
  64. Orange Draik (U)
  65. Orange Kacheek (U)
  66. Purple Kacheek (U)
  67. Purple Wocky (U)
  68. Red Bruce (U)
  69. Red Draik (U)
  70. Red Koi (U)
  71. White Ixi (U)
  72. Yellow Skeith (U)
  73. Abominable Bori (U)
  74. The Assassin (U)
  75. Blumaroo Apprentice (U)
  76. Bruce Watchman (U)
  77. Buzz Avenger (U)
  78. Clasp of Darkness (U)
  79. Designer Zelroo (U)
  80. The Dreamer (U)
  81. Faerie Koi (U)
  82. Fauna (U)
  83. The Gladiator (U)
  84. Kacheek Urchin (U)
  85. Malkus Vile (U)
  86. Meerca Speed Potion (U)
  87. Rainbow Cake (U)
  88. Royal Faerie Gardens (U)
  89. Shadow Eyrie (U)
  90. Skeith Villager (U)
  91. Solarin (U)
  92. Sophie's Whim (U)
  93. Speckled Nimmo (U)
  94. Switcheroo (U)
  95. Tainted Draik (U)
  96. Tainted Harris (U)
  97. Tainted Ixi (U)
  98. Tainted Minions (U)
  99. The Wave (U)
  100. Wocky Crusader (U)
  101. Blue Buzz (C)
  102. Blue Eyrie (C)
  103. Blue Koi (C)
  104. Green Blumaroo (C)
  105. Green Bruce (C)
  106. Green Nimmo (C)
  107. Red Blumaroo (C)
  108. Red Skeith (C)
  109. Yellow Bori (C)
  110. Yellow Buzz (C)
  111. Yellow Ixi (C)
  112. Yellow Wocky (C)
  113. Avarice (C)
  114. Beast Burger (C)
  115. Blue Doglefox (C)
  116. Blue Meowclops (C)
  117. Bogberries (C)
  118. Bottled Air Faerie (C)
  119. Bottled Dark Faerie (C)
  120. Bottled Earth Faerie (C)
  121. Bottled Fire Faerie (C)
  122. Bottled Light Faerie (C)
  123. Bottled Water Faerie (C)
  124. Crokabek (C)
  125. Dinner is Served (C)
  126. Disarm (C)
  127. Faerie Festival (C)
  128. Flowper (C)
  129. Fog Mote (C)
  130. Green Turmac (C)
  131. Ixi Plushie (C)
  132. Kidnapped (C)
  133. Kiss the Mortog (C)
  134. Koi Plushie (C)
  135. Kookith (C)
  136. Kreldyfloss (C)
  137. Kreludan Blade (C)
  138. Letters of Devotion (C)
  139. Magic Robes (C)
  140. Onions (C)
  141. Purple Juppie (C)
  142. Rainbow Flare (C)
  143. Red Mazzew (C)
  144. Rock Mote (C)
  145. Snotty Ghost Toast (C)
  146. Spyder Juice Elixir (C)
  147. Tor's Challenge (C)
  148. Turmac Roll (C)
  149. Twist of Fate (C)
  150. Yellow Gallion (C)
  151. Amulet of Thilg (H)
  152. Bewitched Ring (H)
  153. Fyora, Tower Guardian (H)
  154. The Hidden Tower (H)
  155. Wand of Ultranova (H)

Checklist-Neopets TCG: Lost Desert

H=Holographic, R=Rare, U=Uncommon, C=Common
  1. Baby Jetsam (H)
  2. Desert Ruins (H)
  3. Faellie (H)
  4. Faerie Slorg (H)
  5. Fyora Faerie Doll (H)
  6. JubJub Performer (H)
  7. Lost Desert Paint Brush (H)
  8. Moehog Pickpocket (H)
  9. Nightsteed (H)
  10. Nuria (H)
  11. Princess Amira (H)
  12. Rainbow Sticky Hand (H)
  13. Ruki Patrol (H)
  14. Sakhmet City (H)
  15. Scamander (H)
  16. The Snowager (H)
  17. Sophie the Swamp Witch (H)
  18. Spotted Kau (H)
  19. Tomos (H)
  20. Vile Stench of Zal-Bora (H)
  21. Yellow Ruki (R)
  22. Book of Scarabs (R)
  23. Bow of Searing Dawn (R)
  24. Everlasting Hiccups (R)
  25. Flooding Chamber (R)
  26. Forgotten Promise (R)
  27. Gebmids (R)
  28. Gracklebug (R)
  29. Hot Feet (R)
  30. JubJub Morphing Potion (R)
  31. Nabile (R)
  32. Prince Jazan (R)
  33. Royal Wedding Ring (R)
  34. Ruki Mummy (R)
  35. Sakhmet Oasis (R)
  36. Sandstorm (R)
  37. Scordrax the Furious (R)
  38. Swarm of Scamanders (R)
  39. Tonu Desert Strider (R)
  40. Vanishing City (R)
  41. Blue JubJub (U)
  42. Blue Tonu (U)
  43. Green Jetsam (U)
  44. Green Tonu (U)
  45. Red Kau (U)
  46. Red Moehog (U)
  47. Yellow Jetsam (U)
  48. Anubis Plushie (U)
  49. Bazaar of Wonders (U)
  50. Blue Warf (U)
  51. Cobrall Dagger (U)
  52. Crest of Sakhmet (U)
  53. Curse of the Mootix (U)
  54. Horace the Poor (U)
  55. Jetsam Shark (U)
  56. JubJub Bandit (U)
  57. Kau Fortune Teller (U)
  58. Laziness (U)
  59. Megan (U)
  60. Moehog Explorer (U)
  61. Mummified Negg (U)
  62. Plains of Despair (U)
  63. Raining Kadoaties (U)
  64. Sceptre of Qasala (U)
  65. Spirit of the Ruins (U)
  66. Stop, Thief! (U)
  67. Swarm of Undead (U)
  68. Tonu Palace Guard (U)
  69. Unsolvable Riddle (U)
  70. Wadjet (U)
  71. Blue Kau (C)
  72. Green Ruki (C)
  73. Red JubJub (C)
  74. Yellow Moehog (C)
  75. Anubis (C)
  76. Apis (C)
  77. Bagguss (C)
  78. Cheery Tomatoes (C)
  79. Cursed Strawberries (C)
  80. Dead of Night (C)
  81. Desert Scimitar (C)
  82. Fire Mote (C)
  83. Geb (C)
  84. Golden Scorchstone (C)
  85. Grappling Hook (C)
  86. Khonsu (C)
  87. Mark of the Scarab (C)
  88. Mirage (C)
  89. Mutant Bearog (C)
  90. Potion of Invisibility (C)
  91. Pyramibread (C)
  92. Qasalan Tablets (C)
  93. Ring of the Lost (C)
  94. Ruki Plushie (C)
  95. Scorched Negg (C)
  96. Spike Trap (C)
  97. Tchea Fruit (C)
  98. Wheel of Excitement (C)
  99. Wheel of Knowledge (C)
  100. Yellow Mazzew (C)

Checklist-Neopets TCG: Curse of Maraqua

H=Holographic, R=Rare, U=Uncommon, C=Common
  1. The Black Pawkeet (H)
  2. Caylis (H)
  3. Chasm Beast (H)
  4. The Drenched (H)
  5. Faerie Circle (H)
  6. Garin's Redemption (H)
  7. Ghost Yurble (H)
  8. Goregas (H)
  9. Isca (H)
  10. Maraquan Chomby (H)
  11. Maraquan Krawk (H)
  12. Maraquan Paint Brush (H)
  13. Maraquan Scorchio (H)
  14. Meepit (H)
  15. Nereid the Water Faerie (H)
  16. One Dubloon Coin (H)
  17. Rainbow Pearl (H)
  18. Starry Tuskaninny (H)
  19. Tears of Caylis (H)
  20. Walk the Plank (H)
  21. Brown Scorchio (R)
  22. Green Flotsam (R)
  23. Red Krawk (R)
  24. Against the Odds (R)
  25. Angry Giants (R)
  26. Black Pearl (R)
  27. Captain Scarblade (R)
  28. Confusion (R)
  29. Garin the Foolish (R)
  30. Gathow (R)
  31. Island Hasee (R)
  32. Island Negg (R)
  33. King Kelpbeard (R)
  34. Krawk Braggart (R)
  35. Lenny Sorcerer (R)
  36. Lightning Conductor (R)
  37. Maraquan Harp (R)
  38. New Maraqua (R)
  39. Old Maraqua (R)
  40. Petpetpet Swarm (R)
  41. Pollution (R)
  42. Regulation Crossbow (R)
  43. Scorchio Avenger (R)
  44. Screal (R)
  45. Tournament Arena (R)
  46. Trunkard (R)
  47. Whirlpool (R)
  48. White Pearl (R)
  49. Yurble Raider (R)
  50. Zombie Flotsam (R)
  51. Green Scorchio (U)
  52. Yellow Krawk (U)
  53. Yellow Lenny (U)
  54. Apprentice Wand (U)
  55. Benny the Blade (U)
  56. Chomby Genie (U)
  57. Brightvale Castle (U)
  58. Chomby Plushie (U)
  59. Defender of Ador (U)
  60. Florg (U)
  61. Flotsam Hunter (U)
  62. Fyora's Palace Guards (U)
  63. Glowing Babaa (U)
  64. Gnarfas (U)
  65. Gypsy's Curse (U)
  66. Jacques the Swift (U)
  67. Jhudora's Bodyguards (U)
  68. Lenny Librarian (U)
  69. Maractite Trident (U)
  70. Mutant Peo (U)
  71. Petrification (U)
  72. Rotten Negg (U)
  73. Scurvy Island (U)
  74. Smite (U)
  75. Smuggler's Cove (U)
  76. Swordmaster Talek (U)
  77. Tor's Gamble (U)
  78. Tuskaninny Sailor (U)
  79. Underwater Discovery (U)
  80. White Primella (U)
  81. Blue Chomby (C)
  82. Blue Lenny (C)
  83. Blue Yurble (C)
  84. Green Tuskaninny (C)
  85. Green Yurble (C)
  86. Red Flotsam (C)
  87. Red Tuskaninny (C)
  88. Yellow Chomby (C)
  89. Alchemy (C)
  90. Battle of Wits (C)
  91. Blue Cocofizz (C)
  92. Cabbage (C)
  93. Catch! (C)
  94. Chocolate Cybunnies (C)
  95. Coral Bracelet (C)
  96. Coral Fruit (C)
  97. Corrode (C)
  98. Everlasting Porridge (C)
  99. Faerie Tales (C)
  100. Ghoti (C)
  101. Gooseberries (C)
  102. Illusen's Faerie Globe (C)
  103. Illusen's Potion Book (C)
  104. Isca's Necklace (C)
  105. Juppie Juice (C)
  106. Maractite Armour (C)
  107. Maractite Axe (C)
  108. Maractite Shield (C)
  109. Maractite Sword (C)
  110. Maraquan Jellypops (C)
  111. Mazzew (C)
  112. Peo (C)
  113. Pirate Cutlass (C)
  114. Ring of the Deep (C)
  115. Sea Anemones (C)
  116. Seaweed Omelette (C)
  117. Something Will Happen (C)
  118. Tribal Headdress (C)
  119. Ummagine (C)
  120. Water Mote (C)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Diamond Select Announces Alien Legends Two-Pack

These two are part of the Marvel Select line and feature all the same articulation of the previous figures. The figures will retail for $19.99 and will be released next spring.

King of Queens: Season Seven on DVD Announced

The set will be released on January 16, 2007. It retails for $39.95 though has it listed for only $27.99.

This Week's DVD Releases-November 7

To purchase any of these DVDs, click on the title to go to their page.