Thursday, November 09, 2006

Checklist-Neopets TCG: Haunted Woods

H=Holographic, R=Rare, U=Uncommon, C=Common
  1. Aisha Morphing Potion (H)
  2. Alien Aisha (H)
  3. Archos (H)
  4. Baby Cybunny (H)
  5. Bruno (H)
  6. The Founder (H)
  7. Fruity Star Juice (H)
  8. Ghost Meepit (H)
  9. Ghost Spyder (H)
  10. Golden Scratching Post (H)
  11. Halloween (H)
  12. Ilere of the Woods (H)
  13. Illusen's Quest (H)
  14. Pocket Lab Ray (H)
  15. Royal Tonu (H)
  16. Sasha the Dancer (H)
  17. Sentient Stones (H)
  18. Sophie (H)
  19. The Taint (H)
  20. The Wand of Wishing (H)
  21. Anubits (R)
  22. Attack Broom (R)
  23. Boo! (R)
  24. Curing the Plague (R)
  25. Dance of the Meepits (R)
  26. Evil Trees (R)
  27. Lenny Curator (R)
  28. Mr. Krawley (R)
  29. Rolling Pin (R)
  30. Rusty Sloth Clone #11 (R)
  31. Shadow Korbat (R)
  32. Spotted Tonu (R)
  33. Squeezy Spyder (R)
  34. Touch of Van Roo (R)
  35. Transformation (R)
  36. Trick or Treat (R)
  37. Werhond (R)
  38. Xantan (R)
  39. Zombie Aisha (R)
  40. Zomutt (R)
  41. Brown Aisha (U)
  42. Pink Cybunny (U)
  43. A Tale of Woe (U)
  44. Acara Hiker (U)
  45. Acara Nurse (U)
  46. Air Mote (U)
  47. Baby Korbat (U)
  48. Bony Grasp (U)
  49. Coconut Shy (U)
  50. Creeping Shadows (U)
  51. Followers of Meow (U)
  52. Ghost Lenny (U)
  53. Green Warf (U)
  54. Grilled Ummagine (U)
  55. Gypsy Camp (U)
  56. Hall of Heroes (U)
  57. The Haunted Woods (U)
  58. Island Cybunny (U)
  59. Krawk Island (U)
  60. Mashed Eye Potato (U)
  61. Mound of Grulb (U)
  62. Mutant Flowper (U)
  63. Mutant Hasee (U)
  64. Neovia (U)
  65. Nova Fruit (U)
  66. Reginald (U)
  67. Sanity Check (U)
  68. Spooky Doughnut (U)
  69. Spotted Slorg (U)
  70. Ugly Bruno (U)
  71. Blue Korbat (C)
  72. Brown Cybunny (C)
  73. Green Lenny (C)
  74. Orange Acara (C)
  75. Orange Korbat (C)
  76. Red Lenny (C)
  77. Red Tonu (C)
  78. White Acara (C)
  79. White Aisha (C)
  80. Yellow Tonu (C)
  81. Attack of the Slorgs (C)
  82. Blue Babaa (C)
  83. Broken Crackers (C)
  84. Cybunny Plushie (C)
  85. Failed Experiment (C)
  86. Familiar (C)
  87. Green Meowclops (C)
  88. Hide-and-Seek (C)
  89. Hissi Oil (C)
  90. It Came From Kreludor (C)
  91. Light Faerie Doll (C)
  92. Noil Gem (C)
  93. Paint Devil Sandwich (C)
  94. Scary Abandoned Plushie (C)
  95. Slymook (C)
  96. Test Your Strength (C)
  97. Tooth of Goregas (C)
  98. Water Faerie Doll (C)
  99. Witch's Hat (C)
  100. Yellow Snorkle (C)


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