Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Checklist-Neopets TCG: The Darkest Faerie

H=Holographic, R=Rare, U=Uncommon, C=Common
  1. Baby Buzz (H)
  2. Cloud Paint Brush (H)
  3. The Dancer (H)
  4. Darkest Faerie Doll (H)
  5. The Darkest Faerie (H)
  6. Darkest Knight (H)
  7. Draik Blacksmith (H)
  8. Endless Staircase (H)
  9. Faerie Kacheek (H)
  10. Faerie Paint Brush (H)
  11. The First to Rise (H)
  12. Fyora's Rod (H)
  13. The Gatherer (H)
  14. Ghost Koi (H)
  15. Ghostkerchief (H)
  16. The Hunter (H)
  17. Ixi Hunter (H)
  18. Jerdana, Imprisoned (H)
  19. King Altador (H)
  20. Malice (H)
  21. Plushie Blumaroo (H)
  22. The Protector (H)
  23. Roberta of Brightvale (H)
  24. Sorcerer's Wand (H)
  25. Spite (H)
  26. Tainted Meridell (H)
  27. The Thief (H)
  28. Twelve-Leaf Clover (H)
  29. Vanity (H)
  30. Wand of the Swamp Witch (H)
  31. Altador (R)
  32. Altadorian Crest (R)
  33. Altadorian Plate (R)
  34. Altadorian Sword (R)
  35. Angry Tax Beast (R)
  36. Annihilation (R)
  37. Bandit Knife (R)
  38. Bogshot Village (R)
  39. Bori Mage (R)
  40. Bruce Farmer (R)
  41. The Collector (R)
  42. Divine Intervention (R)
  43. Eyrie Defender (R)
  44. Faerie Asparagus (R)
  45. The Farmer (R)
  46. Fire Faerie Doll (R)
  47. Fire Noil (R)
  48. Florin (R)
  49. Juppie Plant Beast (R)
  50. Nimmo Traveller (R)
  51. Red Kadoatie (R)
  52. Retreat! (R)
  53. Skeith Bandit (R)
  54. The Sleeper (R)
  55. Tainted Altador (R)
  56. Tor (R)
  57. Treasure Map (R)
  58. Treasurer Gordos (R)
  59. Volcano Cake (R)
  60. Wocky Sewer Cleaner (R)
  61. Blue Nimmo (U)
  62. Brown Eyrie (U)
  63. Green Bori (U)
  64. Orange Draik (U)
  65. Orange Kacheek (U)
  66. Purple Kacheek (U)
  67. Purple Wocky (U)
  68. Red Bruce (U)
  69. Red Draik (U)
  70. Red Koi (U)
  71. White Ixi (U)
  72. Yellow Skeith (U)
  73. Abominable Bori (U)
  74. The Assassin (U)
  75. Blumaroo Apprentice (U)
  76. Bruce Watchman (U)
  77. Buzz Avenger (U)
  78. Clasp of Darkness (U)
  79. Designer Zelroo (U)
  80. The Dreamer (U)
  81. Faerie Koi (U)
  82. Fauna (U)
  83. The Gladiator (U)
  84. Kacheek Urchin (U)
  85. Malkus Vile (U)
  86. Meerca Speed Potion (U)
  87. Rainbow Cake (U)
  88. Royal Faerie Gardens (U)
  89. Shadow Eyrie (U)
  90. Skeith Villager (U)
  91. Solarin (U)
  92. Sophie's Whim (U)
  93. Speckled Nimmo (U)
  94. Switcheroo (U)
  95. Tainted Draik (U)
  96. Tainted Harris (U)
  97. Tainted Ixi (U)
  98. Tainted Minions (U)
  99. The Wave (U)
  100. Wocky Crusader (U)
  101. Blue Buzz (C)
  102. Blue Eyrie (C)
  103. Blue Koi (C)
  104. Green Blumaroo (C)
  105. Green Bruce (C)
  106. Green Nimmo (C)
  107. Red Blumaroo (C)
  108. Red Skeith (C)
  109. Yellow Bori (C)
  110. Yellow Buzz (C)
  111. Yellow Ixi (C)
  112. Yellow Wocky (C)
  113. Avarice (C)
  114. Beast Burger (C)
  115. Blue Doglefox (C)
  116. Blue Meowclops (C)
  117. Bogberries (C)
  118. Bottled Air Faerie (C)
  119. Bottled Dark Faerie (C)
  120. Bottled Earth Faerie (C)
  121. Bottled Fire Faerie (C)
  122. Bottled Light Faerie (C)
  123. Bottled Water Faerie (C)
  124. Crokabek (C)
  125. Dinner is Served (C)
  126. Disarm (C)
  127. Faerie Festival (C)
  128. Flowper (C)
  129. Fog Mote (C)
  130. Green Turmac (C)
  131. Ixi Plushie (C)
  132. Kidnapped (C)
  133. Kiss the Mortog (C)
  134. Koi Plushie (C)
  135. Kookith (C)
  136. Kreldyfloss (C)
  137. Kreludan Blade (C)
  138. Letters of Devotion (C)
  139. Magic Robes (C)
  140. Onions (C)
  141. Purple Juppie (C)
  142. Rainbow Flare (C)
  143. Red Mazzew (C)
  144. Rock Mote (C)
  145. Snotty Ghost Toast (C)
  146. Spyder Juice Elixir (C)
  147. Tor's Challenge (C)
  148. Turmac Roll (C)
  149. Twist of Fate (C)
  150. Yellow Gallion (C)
  151. Amulet of Thilg (H)
  152. Bewitched Ring (H)
  153. Fyora, Tower Guardian (H)
  154. The Hidden Tower (H)
  155. Wand of Ultranova (H)


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